The Power of Personality in the Workplace
Discovering and making the most of our strengths, creating a common language for dealing with issues and challenges, and appreciating differences all contribute to being effective in today’s workplace. Individual differences are defined in terms of personality. Using the DISC Profile Assessment, this course provides insights and strategies for working with others while building more harmonious and positive workplace relationships.
Participants will be asked to take a personality assessment. Test results will be compiled and discussed in the course. The goal of knowing about personality type is to understand and appreciate the differences between people. As all types are equal, there is no best type. Assessment results will give participants helpful feedback about yourself and how they are different from others. This course is designed to help participants grow personally and professionally.
What Participants Will Learn
- Determine your own personal style profile by completing a personality assessment
- Understand what your results mean and how it impacts your decision-making, relationships with others and approach to problem solving
- Gain insight into the strengths and limitations of your profile
- Use behavioral clues to determine others’ personality styles
- Implement strategies to work more effectively with other personality profiles