Leading With DISC Personality Profiles
Leaders come from all styles. The most successful leaders stand out because they have confident self-awareness and have the ability to effectively adjust their styles to meet the demands of their different roles. The “DISC” behavioral assessment system is just one tool that a strong leader can utilize to recognize each employee’s unique differences. As a leader, how you’re able to relate to, communicate with and ultimately put these diverging personalities together can bolster your team’s effectiveness and your organization’s success.
In this hands-on program, participants will enhance their leadership influence by effectively adapting their behavior to meet the needs of those they lead and engage their team in successful and consistently productive interactions.
What Participants Will Learn
- Appreciate the impact your style can have on your employees
- Learn how to adapt your style to build better working relationships within your team
- Improve communication and learn how to adapt your approach
- Understand and value the work styles and strengths of others
- Deepen the ability to develop others based on each individual’s potential in the team