Building the Business Case for Learning
You may already know the value that a learning program could bring to your company. Unfortunately, most organizations still don’t emphasize the importance of learning and development as much as they should. Building a solid business case allows you to introduce a new process, purchase new software, create a new role, or develop new training curriculum to close the skills gap at your organization. In this course, participants will discover how to create a defensible, compelling and detailed document that outlines the benefits and return on investment (ROI) to get funding and support for one of their learning programs.
What Participants Will Learn
- Practice tools and coaching guides for you and your team to better understand your business leader stakeholders
- Increase your “business speak” fluency
- Create an actual business-focused value proposition
- Identify the elements of an annual learning plan enabling you to create one for your organization
- Develop a powerful business case to use in obtaining funding for your learning programs