Unleashing Potential. Creating Impact.
Amy Wartham //
Several years ago, (with a lot of input from my UNC Charlotte colleagues and corporate clients) I created the tagline Unleashing Potential. Creating Impact. for Employer Solutions. I didn’t want it to be just another cliché tagline. I wanted it to mean something. My goal has always been to help individuals see how awesome they are (and man, have I have met some incredibly talented individuals over the years!), provide them with the right tools so they can continue to learn and grow, bolster their skillsets and give them the confidence to try new concepts at work.
Let me level-set the scenario though… this isn’t all me. It’s a combination of our incredible corporate clients who are open to answering my questions so that I may better ascertain what training their workforce actually needs AND the exceptional instructors, who are just as passionate as I am, to help others and bring our content to life.
Tara Whitely is the Digital Marketing Team Leader for Eastwood Homes and is a highly gifted marketing guru. She completed our Management Essentials certificate program, that was offered through her employer, and I love her confirmation that we’re on the right track.

“The Management Essentials certificate program really helped further develop my management and leadership skills for a corporate setting. Through this yearlong professional development program, I was able to better understand not only the management strategies at my own company and how those effect our day-to-day and longer-term decision-making, but also key management skills like time management, process management, emotional intelligence, and motivating team members. We met monthly, but we had four opportunities through the year for in-person deep dives into areas such as process management. Surprisingly, as someone with a marketing and technology background, my favorite – although quite challenging – deep dive session was process management. The ability to work with members of our cohort who represent different departments to develop a strategy to improve a business process was both exciting and motivating. I know that I’ll be able to apply all that I’ve learned to better lead my team and help further grow our company.”
This is the type of feedback that makes me happy, happy, happy! It’s all about creating that impact!
Employee engagement has emerged as a critical driver of business success in today’s competitive marketplace. High levels of engagement promote retention of talent, foster customer loyalty and improve organizational performance and stakeholder value – higher education is no exception. Although we primarily work with employers, we also provide customized professional development to our own UNC Charlotte campus.
This year, we offered a 13-session webinar series designed to provide our own UNC Charlotte faculty and staff with the tools needed to tackle some of today’s toughest challenges by addressing three key areas: morale and burnout, productivity and efficiency and a track specifically for managers. It was so well-received, that we’ve received funding to deliver this series again next year!
“The webinar series was a concrete way, over an extended period of time, to remind employees of their importance to the University by seeing the investment made on their behalf. It was not one-and-done and quickly forgotten; it made a lasting impact.”
Anne Brown, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance
In addition, Tabitha McDaniel, Business Officer, Office of Undergraduate Education said, “I appreciated having a dedicated series of self-improvement webinars offered by my employer. The interactive presentations were great, not only for the content being taught, but also as a chance to connect with colleagues from across campus in a meaningful way.”
Although we have over 130 courses in our Course Catalog, we do more than just training. We also offer advising services, group and 1:1 coaching, instructional design, assessments, and train-the trainer sessions.
If you’re looking to unleash the potential of your employees and create a lasting impact for your organization, then please reach out to me at awartham@charlotte.edu to set up a time to chat.