Professional Skills

Fundamentals of Leadership

Organizations are steered by leaders who understand how to mobilize others on to a common ground of performance and alignment. In today’s business climate, an organization cannot afford to be underled by neglecting to develop leadership potential. Participants will learn proven techniques that will give them the skills to make better decisions, resolve conflicts, improve […]

Core Leadership Strengths

In the years since the publication of First, Break All the Rules, millions have come to the simple, but powerful realization that to get the most out of people, you must build on their strengths. In fact, Gallup research proves that people succeed when they focus on what they do best. When they use their […]

Writing for Results: Composing Successful Business Communications

Categories: Professional Skills

Writing well is one of the most important skills you can develop to be successful in the business world. Every word you write tells your readers who you are. Effective and efficient writing is essential to maintaining client relations, winning job proposals and grants, and garnering support for action within the company. This course will […]

The Power of Questions

Categories: Professional Skills

The art of asking questions and encouraging a process of inquiry is sometimes lost in the demand for immediate short-term answers. One crucial skill for leaders is their ability to communicate effectively and this includes the practice of asking the right questions. Often leaders believe they need to have all the answers in order to […]

Tackling Tough Conversations

Categories: Professional Skills

From time to time, tough conversations are a necessary part of your job. Disagreements don’t just disappear when they’re ignored. Knowing how to be both direct and diplomatic is an important skill when having these kinds of conversations. They need to be dealt with in an appropriate way that achieves the desired result, yet keeps […]

Strategies for Creating and Delivering Successful Presentations

Categories: Professional Skills

Success in your professional life will depend on your speaking skills – either because you regularly will be asked to speak before groups or because you will occasionally be asked to do so. Making a good oral presentation is more than just good delivery. It also involves developing a strategy that fits your audience and […]

Giving and Receiving Feedback Like A Pro

Categories: Professional Skills

One of the most important communication skills is the ability to give and receive feedback effectively. It is also one of the most challenging. Feedback is essential for learning and continuous improvement and can help to motivate and build good relationships depending on how it is conveyed. This course will help participants present their ideas […]

Email Essentials

Categories: Professional Skills

In today’s fast-paced world, information is sent and received more rapidly than ever before and when information needs to be disseminated quickly, there is no better way than by email. But how do you ensure that the messages you are sending are effective, acceptable, and will be taken seriously? The use of proper email etiquette […]

Dynamic Listening Skills

Categories: Professional Skills

Effective communication is the secret ingredient to your organization’s bottom-line demands! When was the last time you wanted to scream: “Is anyone listening?” Well, you are not alone. Although all of us talk and listen to one another, we may not be communicating. In a working environment defined by stress and uncertainty, it is not […]

Communication Strategies for Organizational Success

The ability to communicate effectively in business is essential to both the individual and the organization. Expressing our wants, feelings, thoughts and opinions clearly and effectively is only half of the communication process needed for success. The heart of communication is effectively transferring information, meaning, and understanding from sender to receiver. Carrying out that process […]